Research Services

How do you know what your customer’s requirements are? By way of interviews, surveys and a suite of marketing based protocols unveiling the responses to any sales and marketing stimulus, Accomplish Data will dig deep into the clients opinion to capture unique insights.

We find the answers you need, with a diverse set of services, tools and techniques that help you understand markets, customers, industries and regions across the globe. Whether your team needs answers to a large volume of quick, ad-hoc requests for information; support for financial modelling tools and analysis; or faces strategic challenges that require collaboration with a project team, our research services can address your challenges efficiently and effectively.

A brand is very valuable and an asset to any company. While this has long been accepted in consumer markets, brands often don’t command the same respect in business-to-business markets.

Maximize your brand’s potential

It is all too easy for product brands to multiply uncontrollably with little or no thought for the consequences. The truth is, in many companies, so-called ‘brands’ are actually just labels – basically a way of ordering products. We firmly believe good brand management is not just a ‘nice to have’; it is absolutely crucial to CCMR marketing. By recognizing the strength of your brand, and giving it good direction, your company can attain high return on investment for relatively low cost.

Our solution

At Accomplish Data, we always begin by establishing the facts. It’s important for all interested parties to understand what their brand stands for, and what its values are. Furthermore, it’s important to recognize how these compare with the values of your competitors.

Brand awareness and interest

We tackle Accomplish Data branding research with a structured approach, assessing your brand’s value by measuring its performance at every stage of the brand funnel. This includes the vitally important component of awareness. Without awareness, the brand is effectively useless. Being able to measure interest is equally important since it enables us to determine whether your brand is in somebody’s ‘consideration set.’

Brand penetration and advocacy

It is important for us to measure both penetration – that is the percentage of your target market that actually uses your brand – as well as advocacy levels (those who are likely to recommend your brand). A very useful way of measuring brand efficiency is to calculate the proportion of those that are likely to recommend your brand compared to the total number who are aware of it.

Knowledge is power

Only when you understand your own strengths and weaknesses, and those of your competitors, is intelligent brand strategy possible. Recognizing those strengths and weaknesses at different stages in the brand funnel can, for example, enable your direct marketing resources to be directed where they will be most effective. Competing brands, meanwhile, can be attacked in the areas where you can see that they are weak.

 How is branding research done?

Our brand research usually begins with focus groups or depth interviews, enabling us to get under the skin of decision makers and to understand exactly what your brands mean to them. The next stage would be to use quantitative research i.e. telephone interviews or panel respondents in order to establish measures along the length of the brand funnel. We would generally then measure brand performance, discovering how people rate your brand for all the attributes that our research has shown to be of importance.

Bringing great ideas to market is risky. Companies need defensible research to guide strong products and identify optimal price points and effective promotional strategies. Market Strategies International reduces the inherent risk of new product development. Over the years, we have helped companies launch and maintain hundreds of winning products and services. The combination of our deep industry knowledge and research expertise helps you recognize breakthrough ideas, understand potential audiences, discover unmet needs and optimize offerings. Whether your company is targeting a domestic or international market, you can trust Market Strategies to pave a confident path to success.

Challenging Questions

As you gauge the potential of new products and services, you’ll encounter myriad questions. Our product development research consultants help you answer these questions:


Is your product novel and competitive? What is the optimal combination of features and price for your product? What is the likely demand for your new or redesigned product?


Should you bundle your products or offer an a la carte menu to maximize revenues? How will the marketplace react if you or your competitors make a change like reducing price? How would a new product or a product line extension affect your existing offerings?

Customized Answers

Off-the-shelf analytic tools are fine for ordinary projects, but we find very few clients with ordinary needs. Our product development market research is based on custom methodologies built from scratch to support design, pricing and forecasting.

With more than 20 years of research expertise, Market Strategies helps you optimize your product or service and anticipate market uptake throughout the development life cycle. Our qualitative and quantitative methodologies help you with:


Identify the most promising ideas for further development resources. Determine which aspects of your offering are “must haves,” “satisfiers” and “delighters.”


Configure your offering and price to maximize market penetration and/or profitability.

Tracking and Addressing

Track attitudes, awareness, trial and usage for launched products and their competition. Address issues for mature products, such as exportability to new markets, the impact of line extensions and how to best reconfigure or replace products that are near their end of life.

In addition, we offer custom-designed simulators that enable you to run “what if” scenarios that examine demand in total and among modeled segments. These tools deliver consistently accurate and reliable results to support your product marketing strategy.

When researching your products or services we find out two things: Who is using them and what do they think of them?

Want to know what your customers are really thinking and doing?

We find out what your customers are really thinking and doing through Use & Attitude research (U&A). This type of research is similar to customer satisfaction research, but the audience is normally much wider than just customers. It includes anyone using a particular product or service.

Our solution

The research usually involves interviews across a broad cross-section of companies. It will typically be a quantitative study of 30 to 50 questions that may include questions like:

  • Which products do you use?
  • From which companies do you buy these products?
  • What do you think of these companies overall?
  • How much of these products do you use?
  • What is changing in the way you use these products?
  • What do you think of their performance in terms of their product quality, availability, customer service and prices

What is involved?

The U&A survey could be carried out by telephone from an acquired sample frame or through an online panel. The questions are designed to screen out companies not using the products, and the interview may be carried out blindly to avoid bias through respondents knowing the sponsor.

Once the results are analyzed there will be opportunities to ‘slice and dice’ the data by industry vertical, and to discover segments that have different uses and attitudes.

We will help you to make your list more accurate

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